Judicial Excellence Awards
The Chief Justice Awards for Judicial Excellence, established in 2015 and presented annually, 表彰一名县法院法官和一名巡回法院法官,他们表现出对司法部门的特殊承诺,并体现了司法卓越, embodying qualities such as strength of character, integrity, fairness, open-mindedness, knowledge of the law, sound judgment, professional ethics, intellectual courage, compassion, and decisiveness. 这些著名的奖项是在各级法院的年度教育项目中颁发的.
2023 Recipients of the Chief Justice Awards for Judicial Excellence:
安东尼·隆多里诺法官获得了2023年首席大法官卓越奖,以表彰他对佛罗里达州第六司法巡回法院的杰出贡献. The award was presented by Justice John D. 在巡回法院法官会议的年度教育计划上.
隆多里诺为佛罗里达州人民和司法部门服务的奉献精神使首席大法官Muñiz授予他2023年司法卓越首席大法官奖. 隆多里诺在皮内拉斯和帕斯科县的第六司法巡回法院担任了八年的首席法官,并担任了30多年的法官.
Anthony Rondolino法官在第六巡回公设辩护人办公室开始了他的职业生涯. In January 1990, 他以巡回法官的身份开始了他的工作,并以其渊博的法律知识而闻名, rigorous research, and unparalleled preparation. 他的同事和提名他的人都注意到他对无障碍和愿意为同事提供法律指导的奉献精神.
A skilled collaborator and consensus builder, 隆多里诺法官在法律界和司法界建立了牢固的关系, working closely with bar associations, state attorneys, public defenders, clerks of court, sheriffs, and police chiefs.
As noted by the administrative judges of the Sixth Circuit, Judge Rondolino’s “judicial excellence, strong character, integrity, legal knowledge, ethics, courage, compassion and decisiveness integrity, ethics, courage, compassion, and decisiveness,为他赢得了一致选举,成为第六巡回法院的首席法官,任期四届.
Throughout his eight-year tenure as Chief Judge, 隆多里诺法官一直致力于确保第六巡回法院的高效运作. Under his guidance, the circuit developed and implemented robust hurricane preparedness plans, which proved instrumental during Hurricanes Irma and Ian. Additionally, 他与利益攸关方合作,设计了在大流行期间安全执法的创新方法,并继续引领法院采用后covid规则,在远程和现场诉讼之间取得平衡.
隆多里诺法官还领导成立了社区暴力司, which oversees all protective injunctions, as well as the Circuit’s Mental Health Court, which addresses critical mental health issues in the judicial process.
“我认为,我们珍视的司法价值观可以用三个词来概括:勤勉, competence, and integrity. 没有一个法官的职业生涯比安东尼·隆多里诺更充分地体现了这些价值观,” wrote Second Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Jonathan Sjostrom.
Judge Gordon Murray, Miami-Dade County, Receives the 2023 Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence
迈阿密-戴德县法官戈登·默里(Gordon Murray)从佛罗里达州首席大法官卡洛斯·G. Muñiz在县法院法官会议的年度教育计划. Judge Murray, 于2017年任命,并于2020年当选,目前担任县法院行政法官,主持县民事部门.
The Chief Justice Awards for Judicial Excellence, established in 2015, 表彰一名县法院法官和一名巡回法院法官,他们表现出对司法部门的特殊承诺. 受奖人通过表现出性格坚强等品质,体现了司法上的卓越, integrity, fairness, open-mindedness, knowledge of the law, sound judgment, professional ethics, intellectual courage, compassion, and decisiveness. 穆雷法官对司法部门的承诺和熟练的领导使首席大法官Muñiz授予穆雷法官2023年司法卓越首席大法官奖.
穆雷法官于1986年开始他的公共服务生涯,担任助理州检察官. 他拥有私人法律实践经验,曾担任南迈阿密市和佛罗里达州第十一司法巡回法院的治安法官. Since he was elected to the bench, 穆雷法官曾主持民事诉讼,并担任助理行政法官. He currently serves as Miami-Dade County’s Administrative Judge.
Judge Murray has worked tirelessly to improve access to the courts. During the pandemic, 穆雷法官帮助确保了向远程听证的高效率和有效过渡, successfully maintaining safe access to the courts.
He played a key role in creating CourtHELP, 一个在线早期争议解决门户网站,旨在帮助房东和租户. 默里法官的努力帮助建立了一个在线信用卡案件早期争议解决门户网站,以增强courhelp. 默里法官还致力于为县民事部门创建一个盲目归档系统,以减轻法庭文件大量增加的负担.
Judge Murray is also committed to the Miami-Dade area legal community. 自1995年以来,他一直是迈阿密戴德学院的兼职教授,并每年参加迈阿密戴德学院犯罪现场调查(CSI)暑期课程. Judge Murray has lectured for the Miami-Dade County Medical Association, 教导医生和其他医疗专业人员了解和应对可能的家庭暴力受害者. 他主持了由佛罗里达司法协会主办的厄尔·泽希纳荣誉纪念模拟审判比赛的最后一轮.
Reflective of his character, the admiration of his colleagues, and his positive impact across the legal community, Judge Murray has been the recipient of numerous honors. He received The Florida Bar’s 2023 William M. Hoeveler Judicial Professionalism Award; The Florida Bar President's Pro Bono Service Award; The Cuban American Bar Association Distinguished Service Award; The Miami-Dade County Community Pillar Award; and The Women’s History Coalition of Miami-Dade County, Inc. 15 Years of Outstanding Service Award.